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missing card
Mám otázku, prečo v hornej časti panela úloh nie je karta na kŕmenie.

a nebolo by možné vyriešiť lepší systém pre časovače, kde by boli napríklad začiarkavacie políčka. Pride mi to trochu chaoticke musim stale hladat navod ako to nastav. V starom hardvéri robotank sa mi zdalo oveľa jednoduchšie
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I guess the idea is to use a timer to turn a feeder.

The timers use cron jobs which I believe is built into the operating system. They are very powerful and flexible however they can be difficult to work with as they require special characters.

I am working on another app that will run on your controller and hope to be easier to use, should be ready in the next couple months.
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