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Robo-Tank v6.6 is Ready
Looks like that failed because the database was already there which makes sense. You can either delete the database and then run that SQL statement or if you let me know what version you used prior I can post the SQL statements just for the update this way you don't lose any settings, was it v6.1?
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Hmm. It is entirely possible that I did some of the automated updates since 6.1, but I don't specifically remember. Is there any log file I can look in to see?

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Not really any logs you can look at for that. I think it's best to delete the database and run that php script again. Here's how you delete it.
  • Click on the "robotank" database
  • At the top of the page click the "operations" tab.
  • In the middle you'll see a red link "Drop the database (DROP)", click that. At this point you'll see "robotank" database on the left side is gone.
  • Run the PHP script you tried previously
  • Power cycle the controller and you should be good to go.
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I deleted the database, did as you recommended above, and am no back up and running.  Under my old configuration I had one DS18b20 plugged into temp port 1 and another plugged into sensor port 1.  The sensor connected to the temp port imported fine, but the other sensor got imported as a PH probe.  I moved it to Temperature port 3 and it properly appeared in the dashboard.  BUT, the fake PH probe still appears--how can I delete it?  (see pic below).


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Rob, any new releases coming ?
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Hi Phil, thanks for the donation through the app, at least that feature works.  K05163

When the controller boots up it scans the I2C bus and adds what it sees that's why you have the pH showing. At the moment you can't disable it through the interface but you can do it in the database. Here's how.
  • Log into the database like you previously did.
  • Click on the table "probes" on the left side. If you don't see the tables you have to click on "robotank" database.
  • You'll see one record, edit it and change "plugged" to 0.
  • Reboot the controller and it should be gone.
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Hi Gandalf, yeah it's coming for sure just not sure when, been really busy lately. Every now and then I put a few hours in. I'm working on the heater system and plan to release when that's finished.
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(06-24-2023, 09:51 PM)Rob F Wrote: Hi Phil, thanks for the donation through the app, at least that feature works.  K05163

I use several software products like this that I don't have to pay for, but that have an easy paypal contribution feature.  At the end of each year, I send each author some money loosely based on how much I've used the software and how much support I've gotten.

(06-24-2023, 09:51 PM)Rob F Wrote: When the controller boots up it scans the I2C bus and adds what it sees that's why you have the pH showing. At the moment you can't disable it through the interface but you can do it in the database. Here's how.
  • Log into the database like you previously did.
  • Click on the table "probes" on the left side. If you don't see the tables you have to click on "robotank" database.
  • You'll see one record, edit it and change "plugged" to 0.
  • Reboot the controller and it should be gone.

Thanks, R

This worked, except the Probe1 graph still wants to exist, probably because I disabled the probe, but didn't delete the database line.  Is there a way to remove it from the list of charts, or should I just ignore it?

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Thanks again, I do appreciate it!

Normally to remove the chart you go to "charts" on the main dashboard and at the top you can select which are being viewed however there was a bug to hide the pH chart which I have fixed now, it'll work for the temp sensors though.

To do it manually log into the database and go to the "probes" table as you did before. You'll see a field "graphVisible" which will be set to "1", change that to "0" and reboot the controller.
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(06-24-2023, 09:53 PM)Rob F Wrote: Hi Gandalf, yeah it's coming for sure just not sure when, been really busy lately. Every now and then I put a few hours in. I'm working on the heater system and plan to release when that's finished.

thank you.
if you can, for the upcoming release, please add something that allow to customize a dosing "group", currently I have to change 24 dosing for each pump (i dose something hourly across the day). Even a delete-all would be ok, i delete the full group and i create a new from scratch if changing it is too difficult.

(as workaround i delete everything from phpmyadmin, but that's not good, and also needs a cotnroller restart)
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Unfortunately that won't happen for the next release but maybe next. My plan is to redo the scheduling system overall so one schedule can run at intervals, basically like cronjobs. Even without lots of dosing the overall schedule count is too high for lists and managing them so this has to be done.

Why is rebooting the controller not good? The goal is so everything returns back to regular schedule like the reboot never happened. If you experience an issue with reboot let me know. I am adding a feature to the custom rules for next release that will allow it to run at reboot so you can stagger when equipment comes on vs everything coming on at once. There will also be an option to run a rule manually.
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Hi Rob when are you going to release a new update after 5 months
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Hi Loksik, sorry been quite busy with work lately but I am still putting some time in here and there. I did the big task of separating DHT22 from the DS18B20 system which was a mistake merging them, unfortunately you'll never know from UI. Had to do for things going forward. And the other day I finally, finally, got 2 way communication using a websocket. Now I can update the UI without constantly sending data, a good example is those dosing reservoirs on the dashboard. I have data incoming every 100ms or so otherwise the reservoir might not be updated on short doses. Again sadly no one will be able to appreciate it but this was long overdue and had to be done for many reasons. Next update will be big and I'm excited for it but lots unseen. Got to make sure what I have is all done properly before I keep adding things and it becomes a mess.
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(06-26-2023, 11:37 PM)Rob F Wrote: Why is rebooting the controller not good? The goal is so everything returns back to regular schedule like the reboot never happened. If you experience an issue with reboot let me know. I am adding a feature to the custom rules for next release that will allow it to run at reboot so you can stagger when equipment comes on vs everything coming on at once. There will also be an option to run a rule manually.

Sorry, i wasn't clear.
Currently, the only "human" way to delete or change tens of schedules is through DB.
If you change something throguht Db, robotank won't be aware of the change because everything is loaded in memory on startup (and updated after changing something in the UI), so if I change the amount of each schedule directly from DB, i have to restart the robotank service.

That's why i'm really hoping, as minimum, for a button "delete all" in each schedule group for the next release so that i don't have to go to phpmyadmin every time.
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Ah I hear you, it is a bit of a pain but shouldn't have to be done to often. I'm thankful accessing the database isn't too hard for people when it's necessary. For reboot you can also go to settings page and reboot controller rather than messing with the SSH window. I'll try and remember adding that button.
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(07-28-2023, 06:06 PM)Rob F Wrote: Ah I hear you, it is a bit of a pain but shouldn't have to be done to often. I'm thankful accessing the database isn't too hard for people when it's necessary. For reboot you can also go to settings page and reboot controller rather than messing with the SSH window. I'll try and remember adding that button.

Hi Rob,

I hope you are doing well. How is the development going? Can you please provide us an update. 

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Hi Ramana, very sorry for taking so long to reply. I haven't forgotten about this and actively working on it. Just added temperature calibration and settings and almost done flowmeter support. Heater / chiller system is next, haven't decided if I'll do update before or after, thinking after as I don't expect this to take to long and unfortunately updates haven't gone as smooth as I hoped, I'm also going to try and clean that up a bit.
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Hey Rob,

Very excited that flow sensors are in the new update.

Are stepper motors on the cards? Cherry on top would also be salinity.

Great work as always.


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Thanks Dilsh, flowmeters are now finished with a chart, didn't add a calibration wizard yet but you can change the F factor which is what calibration does.

Stepper motors definitely coming along with salinity. I think I'll have an EC circuit of my own in a few months. I don't think I'll support Atlas circuits this time.

Couple pics to show it's still alive. :) You can see the new DHT22 chart with temp and humidity, a new chart for dosing pumps that show milliliters dosed along with number of seconds pump ran. The run time is measured with each dose and I'm amazed how accurate it is between doses. Now that the charts are getting data from database instead of CSV soon there will be custom charts, users will be able to mix and match parameters shown on the chart. And of course you can see the flowmeter with the other sensors on the left side.

I've decided I'm going to clean up the dosing pump schedules as that gets messy with lots of schedules and then I'll release the update, should be the next couple weeks. 

[Image: Update_6_7-3.PNG]

[Image: Update_6_7-1.PNG]

[Image: Update_6_7-2.PNG]
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Looks amazing Rob!

Not sure if you have completely worked it out but will the stepper motors be connected to the light connectors or have a seperate board?

Put me down for one of the EC circuits ?.

Keep up the great work!

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