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  • Rob F
    Rob F replied to the thread AC outlets vs Reboots.
    Sounds like you have everything setup correctly, do you have any schedules or other custom rules setup for these outlets? Can you post a...
  • Rob F
    Rob F reacted to wizzlebippi's post in the thread AC outlets vs Reboots with Like Like.
    I wired the button using the float switch example from the RoboTank documentation, with the button between +5V and data, as well as the...
  • Rob F
    Rob F reacted to wizzlebippi's post in the thread AC outlets vs Reboots with Like Like.
    While I'm liking the RoboTank hardware, the software has me a bit confused. The weirdness with AC outlets toggling when creating or...
  • Rob F
    Rob F replied to the thread AC outlets vs Reboots.
    Hi @wizthats not good, it is supposed to put outlets in the proper state after a reboot. When the controller reboots is checks manual...
  • Rob F
    Rob F replied to the thread Robo-Tank v6.7 is Ready.
    I think I've replied to all your emails, I got another one a few hours ago and just replied to it, maybe it went into the spam folder.
  • L
    loksik.lubos replied to the thread Robo-Tank v6.7 is Ready.
    Rob Poslal som ti e-mail a zatiaľ som nedostal odpoveď.
  • G
    GarrickG reacted to Rob F's post in the thread Robo-Tank v6.7 is Ready with Like Like.
    I'll try and get it to 14 sensors but sorry at this time I won't be able to use the location where the graphs are as that will take a lot.
  • L
    loksik.lubos reacted to Rob F's post in the thread Robo-Tank v6.7 is Ready with Like Like.
    I'll try and get it to 14 sensors but sorry at this time I won't be able to use the location where the graphs are as that will take a lot.
  • Rob F
    Rob F replied to the thread Robo-Tank v6.7 is Ready.
    I'll try and get it to 14 sensors but sorry at this time I won't be able to use the location where the graphs are as that will take a lot.
  • L
    loksik.lubos replied to the thread Robo-Tank v6.7 is Ready.
    Naozaj by ste mi s tým pomohli, ja grafy veľmi nepoužívam, radšej senzory.
  • L
    loksik.lubos replied to the thread Robo-Tank v6.7 is Ready.
    Ahoj Rob, ak by bolo možné zobraziť 12-14 senzorov na hlavnej stránke, bolo by to super. Ak je to možné, môžete tieto žlté pozície...
    • Bez názvu.png
  • Rob F
    Rob F replied to the thread Robo-Tank v6.7 is Ready.
    How many spots for sensors do you need? Maybe for now I can change the number shown just for you, I'll have to look at it as I can't...
  • Rob F
    Rob F reacted to loksik.lubos's post in the thread Robo-Tank v6.7 is Ready with Like Like.
    áno, budem rád, ak bude možné vytvoriť väčší počet alebo vytvoriť novú kartu na zobrazenie snímačov.
  • Rob F
    Rob F replied to the thread Software choice and Home assistant.
    Hi Dave, oh no, sorry to hear that and thanks for your support. When did you order? I don't see an order for you. At this time you...
  • Rob F
    Rob F reacted to DaveB's post in the thread Software choice and Home assistant with Like Like.
    Hi Rob- My DIY reef-pi board finally died and I just ordered a Robo-Tank. I have been using the Reef-Pi software and the Home Assistant...